So I thought I needed to give all of you an update of the last going-ons in my life! There will be mulitple posts, so get excited!
On May 8th, I officially became a GRADUATE of THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH with my BACHELOR'S DEGREE in ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I believe those exclamation points show I feel about this fact! Most of that has to do with the fact that it took me six and a half years to get to this point. And thats not even counting the year and a half break for my mission. Yes, if you do the math that means that I have been out of high school for eight years. Thanks for rubbing that in! It has been a long process to get to this point and I'm not really sure what to do with myself at the moment. Oh, right, go back to grad school! Half of the journey is now over and it now feels wonderful to say that I actually have that little piece of paper. It may not mean much, but it has been a lifelong dream and can now be checked off my list. You know how you feel when you get to cross something off your daily list of to-dos? Well just imagine that feeling on a much bigger scale......and a much bigger to do list. That morning I opted not to go to the big University wide commencement so I didn't have to be up there til mid morning. My cute mom and I went shopping to buy a whole new outfit for me and it was so nice to actually have time to get ready! The ceremony was just the right length and since I knew just under half of everyone that graduated with me, it made it a whole lot more bearable. There are no unblurry pictures of the actual ceremony, but it felt great to walk across that stage and shake the Dean's hand! Afterwards there was a simple reception at the Architecture building where we all got to take pictures and see everyone. After a few formal and traditional pictures, my family headed off to celebrate with a lunch at CAFE TRIO! It was delicious and we got to enjoy our food in the sun on the patio. That night our family was all headed to the cabin so everyone was pretty anxious to get up there.. Overall it was a great day! Here are some pictures to catch you up on the days events!

Me & Tams
Me, Steve-O, & Enzo
Almost all the girls
I love how it looks like we are all conspiring something.....we probably were.
Christin & I
The Whole Fam...that could be there.

Just like everything else in this world, this has been a process. Little did I know two years ago that I would have gone to LA just to study schools, pulled so many all nighters, and learned so much. Architecture has always been a passion of mine and I have always known what I have wanted to study in school. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for my parents. My father taught me to love architecture and instilled in me a sense of hard work. My mother gave me my creativity and the power to go after my dreams. Both of them taught me to try and fill the never-ending thirst for knowledge. Without their love and support I would not be where I am today and I certainly would not have my degree. Thank you for everything that borh of you do for me........usually without blinking an eye! I love you!
Congrats Mal! Way to go!!!!
Congratulations! That is, Con-grad-undulations. Which is a new word I just made up based off the words "con" (with), "grad" (because you are one now), and "undulations" (because it sounds like you're going through a few whilst trying to figure out what to do next. ;) Anyway. How nice it would be to have graduated. *Sigh* Oh well. Thanks for inspiring me today to keep my blog updated.
P.S. Your blog looks great. The white on black words hurt my eyes, but I love the color scheme you have going.
MAHOOOOO!!!!! (It's like "Yahoo!" but with an "M" for "Mals".) I'm so happy for you - you have worked so hard for this! You truly are one of the most passionate, dedicated, and hard-working people I know.
Go you.
I find it funny that knowing they were attending a U graduation, Dad and Logan wore blue ties. I know it doesn't mean anything, but it's a funny observation.
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